„Beetroot-Kid“ (beetroot-pancake with honey and goatcheese)
„Spicy Pumpkin“ (with chili and quark-walnut-topping)
My favourite plates
„Coco-Coco-Berry“ (pancake with berries and coconut filling)
„Wake me up“ (coffee-pancakes with raspberry-chia-filling)
„Poppy Banana“ (low-carb-pancake with banana and egg)
„Vegan-Everything“ (vegan pancakes with fruits)
„Sunny side up“ (pancake with avocado and egg)
Basic recipe for pancakes
Just some „ordinary“ pancakes… Recipe Mix 200 ml milk with 150 g flour, 1 pinch of salt, ½ tsp. baking powder and ½ tsp. baking soda. Add 2 eggs. Let the batter rest for about 15 minutes. ➮ Fry the batter in the pan.